Writing as a way to cope with grief.

For many of us, writing is catharsis: a way to process and release difficult emotions. Few things are as emotional as the loss of a friend, family member, personal hero, or pet so it’s no surprise that we read a lot of posts paying tribute to lost loved ones and trying to make sense of […]

via Writing Through Grief: Five Posts — Discover

5 thoughts on “Writing as a way to cope with grief.”

  1. Spot on! Plus, I must add that writing and revealing one’s inner self can be done in so many ways. Blogging comes immediately to mind for, unlike writing that appears in print, those who publish and read blog posts can interact with the writer of the post and others who join in the resulting conversation. As I have just done!!

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    1. Yes. Another thing also its always good to mix the personal experiences with the fiction if you catch my drift… to much of myself ie reality personal experience tends to become a blur for me might have something to do with the ego..


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